Saturday, 8 April 2017




               Jack and Sergio were chatting whilst sitting in a café.  

‘ Actually I was now thinking of the American Red-Indians and their Rain Dance …’ said Jack. You do know that when there was a drought, they used to gather together and just dance until the rain poured! 
   ‘Yes!’, said Sergio, ‘and that reminds me also of that Japanese scientist, Dr Emoto and his experiments with water, perhaps not absolutely scientific, I don’t know, but do you know what he did? He kept water in transparent glass cylinders, and when he would ask a specific group of people to look at the water with thoughts of anger, guess what? The water would become dark and murky. Then when he would ask another group to look at another cylinder with water, this time with thoughts of peace and love…

Jack – The water would be nice and clear?

Sergio- That is what he says. 

Jack  -   Hmmm! What do we know?



 2017- April      On Mary, Mother of Jesus :
            1946 – 13th May : The Papal Legate, Cardinal Masella, crowned Our Lady of Fatima “Queen of the World”, on  
                          the 30th Anniversary of the consecration of the nation of Portugal to Mary Immaculate.
2017-04-08    -An article for 'The Southern Cross' :
Author: Maria Victoria Pereira (M.A. in Religious Studies)                                                                                                                                                                    cell: 072 1174 193
                                          What happened in 1917 at Fatima in Portugal?
What happened?...  Now in 2017, on the 13th of October, it will be 100 years since a ‘scientifically inexplicable ' phenomena took place – one that was seen by more than 70,000 people.
This incredible event happened in the same year that Marxism took over Russia. Scientists declared it to be an ‘unexplained solar phenomena’. In recent years scientists tested the terrain at Fatima where the phenomena took place. They found radiation at the site and interestingly, this radiation is not harmful to human beings.
   So, what really did happen? Well… Let’s imagine!... 
13th of October 1917… you are on a valley… thousands of people all around you… all wearing rain coats and umbrellas.  It is raining. (It had been pouring with rain for two days all over Portugal.) The terrain is sopping wet. But, despite the conditions, people came to see the promised miracle, a miracle promised (by the Virgin Mary, or Lady of Light) to three little shepherds who were being persecuted for saying that they had visions of the Mother of Jesus requesting prayer and penance and the praying of the rosary as a means not only of saving souls but of bringing peace into the world. The visionaries had asked the Lady for a miracle, so that people would believe…
So… back to our imagined scenario of the 13th of October 1917:- You are standing, in the Serra de Aire, in Fatima, surrounded by thousands of people, all with their umbrellas and raincoats. The continuous rain has left the ground soaking wet, and shows no sign of letting up. It is near twelve o’clock.
Suddenly one of three visionaries, says:
 -  ‘Look at the sun!’
   Looking into the clouds you see the sun bursting forth and spiraling towards the earth, the colors of the rainbow swirling everywhere. People cry, thinking that they are all going to die, they cry, they kneel, they pray… After about 15 minutes the sun stops spiraling and slowly fades. Everything is back to normal!
   Well, not really… for everything was now dry! Inexplicably, bone dry.
Scientifically, it is regarded that the amount of heat needed for this to happen in such short space of time, would have incinerated everyone present! People, more than 80 kms away, saw the swirling of the colours of the rainbow. These were people who did not even know or remember that a ‘miracle’ had been promised to the children – the miracle the children had requested ‘so that people would believe what that ‘Lady made of Light’ was telling them. She had indicated to the children that people don’t believe because of miracles, however had agreed she would comply with their request.
And the indisputable and momentous truth is that now, 100 years later, the message of Fatima is still causing vibrations and heated discussions. Some two years ago, there was a conference in Canada, on this very topic. It included 28 speakers, some lawyers and journalists, and many of them not even Catholic.
According to the American historian W.T.Walsh, who went to Portugal to do research on the subject, we must give attention to the request made by that 'Lady with a peace plan from heaven'.   Her message includes prophecies of future disasters and wars ' if people don't repent and pray, especially praying the Rosary’- which includes meditations on the life of Christ.
    What are we seeing today? How many wars? Tsunamis, droughts…?
How do we know that the peace of our future, and that of our children, that the peace in the world, does not depend on something brought to our attention at this incredible event. Is it possible our future peace is dependent on the humble acceptance by a sufficient number of people of this other Pathway for  Peace – a  message delivered to three children in Fatima, by that ' Lady made of Light ', the so-called  'Mother of the World’?
Should we, because of our different religious views, close our eyes and like the ostrich, bury our heads on the sand and ignore what happened? Or, must we acknowledge it and think, use our intelligence to ponder and strengthen our faith?
What was that? Seen by 70.000 people! The, then director, of the Lisbon newspaper, was an atheist who had gone to Fatima ‘to laugh at the innocence of the people.’ It amused him that people believed in three children claiming to be receiving apparitions from Mary, mother of Jesus, with a special request for prayers and penance for Peace in the world.   This cynic, after watching what happened, wrote in his newspaper:
   -  ‘If God does not exist, I don’t know what that was!’