Friday 6 September 2013

Continuing the story of my far!

Not much news today- still sorting out papers and updating filing. My move to Dawncliffe more than a year ago followed by ‘the flood’ has taken its toll. By flood I mean the burst washing machine pipe that caused water to flow and in a few minutes cover all the floors of my small cottage with at least 10 cm high of water. When I woke up at 5.00 am to a funny glu-glu sound, as I got out of bed my little feet were greeted with a bath of cold water! Yes, I did wake up quite quickly!

    The cause? Extremely high water pressure and a burst rubber pipe. O, well the other problem was that as I had just moved in, I still had books and papers in boxes on the floor! Can you imagine the rigmaral? Four days later I still had papers hanging on the washing line, held by some surprised pegs never imagining being used to dry paper! Then it was the filing back everything… which as you can imagine was done in a bit of a rough shoddy manner.  

   So now I have to go carefully through papers and re-organize the whole thing.

   Anyway the light is starting to shine at the end of the tunnel and hopefully in a week’s time ‘all will be well’ and I can concentrate in creating my new book of poems, perhaps including some  stories and some quick stroke style of drawings.

   Wish me luck!

    I went yesterday to the book launch of Sarita Mathur’s ‘Once again love – Reconnecting with the heart’. I was impressed. She seems genuine and her poetry based on her experience after an unexpected depression, is inspirational.

  I was reminded of a book by Stephanie Dowrick, ‘The Universal Heart’ which I found helpful to sort out uneasy relationships.

  ‘Till next time… Be good!

   One of recent limelights was to have gone on a visit to the Marianhill Convent with Ruth, my daughter’s sister-in-law who still calls me ‘mamazina’ an anglicized manner of sying ‘mamazinha’ which in Portuguese means ‘mommy’. And more… like the inauguration of the remembrance wall there, for the German community (who started Marian Hill) …Gaby, my daughter-in-law was the one who had the idea methinks…more about it later.

1 comment:

  1. It was a special day for me too, sorry about the flood, I know sorting out can be hard work, especially after moving twice in six months!
