Saturday 22 October 2016

Again in 2015

Still 2015! I was asked  now in 2016 to put this on my blog and so here it is - it is part of the story I want to publish titled 'The Joshua Story' which tells about all the 'strange' synchronicity that happened after our little one left this world. To God be the glory!

2015-09-06 Sunday


The ‘Mckenzie and the Blackberry’, episode


On the 9th of August I was feeling quite sad and lonely, for various reasons, when I went to Mass at 5 pm, at Our Lady of Lourdes in Westville. I stayed in the back pews. Yes, tears would fall suddenly as I  remembered my little one.

   At the end of the Mass, when coming out, I saw a good looking man coming towards me with a smile on his face and he asked how I was. I then recognized him. It was that extremely well-mannered friend of Andrew who was helping with serving drinks and food to everybody at their place after the accident…

   ‘Are you a Catholic?’, I asked, surprised. ‘Yes.’, he replied.

   After some small chat, we separated and I walked towards the parking lot but suddenly stopped to see if I could retrieve a message that I had received, when at Mass. I thought it was from my daughter, as they were arriving then from that conference Andrew had gone to, in India. The area I was in was quite dark and there was no one around. Suddenly I saw someone near me, asking, ’Do you need anything?’ It was him again. He had left his family in the car, car revving, and had come to see if I needed something.

   ‘You again?’, I asked, surprised. ‘I am just trying to retrieve this message from my daughter, but I am not familiar with this cell phone which I got now from my son’, I said.

   He offered to help and then went back to his car, sitting  there and waiting until I was out and on my way. I could not believe so much courtesy… when I got home and remembered him suddenly appearing in the dark next to me, I felt as if he had been an angel, and I did thank Jesus for the comfort it gave me.

   At home I then tried to look again at the message in the Blackberry and guess what I see? A screen that looked like the page of a diary and read







I first thought that perhaps Ana Luisa had sent me something by mistake from Andrew’s phone… but what I read did not make much sense. It actually was:

      Conference call     

      Date:               Aug. 9         (that Sunday’s  date)

      Time open:     5:00           

      Time closing: 6:00  (this was the time of the Mass I had been to: 5pm to 6pm)

  And when I rolled down, it read,

       Place: Jerusalem.


I was amazed. Why ‘Jerusalem’? If it had anything to do with Andrew’s travelling, they had gone to India not Israel!  I phoned my neighbor and told her that I wanted to show her something, it seemed that I was going cuckoo!  She read it, and neither she nor a friend who was with her, could work out how I got it or what it was about.  Eventually we lost it. But... they are my witnesses and the verdict is:  ‘it was weird’.

   What did it mean to me? It was to me as if that experience I had of being helped ‘by an angel’ was being confirmed in that exact  message which had the date and time of the Mass and the mentioning of that place in Jesus’s life, Jerusalem. What I mean is that on that day that I was feeling so lonely, God kind of ‘sent me’ some consolation through the unexpected assistance, albeit ‘insignificant’, of another Christian. If this makes any sense to the reader, I don’t know.

    But I say, ‘Indeed, Praise God for His amazing grace!’ and in faith I say:

    ‘We are not alone. He is with us! Always!’

    Yes, ‘God is Not Dead’!  


NB: To be noted that I never saw Mckenzie again at that church until a year later on Sunday the 16th of October 2016!


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